Our Videography Services in Austin TX incorporate a wide variety of techniques and experiences. We can handle planning, execution, and post-production, VSGFX offers a one-stop-shop from start to finish. We can handle corporate events, concert coverage, nightlife promos, commercials, music videos, interviews, tutorials, and FAA-Licensed aerial drone video products.
Highlighting: Camera Op, Direction, Editing, Animation, Social Media Management
Greenleaf Flower Growers and Distributors Documentary
What we did: Camera, Editing, Script, Narration, Animation
FX LOGIK - Speed Garage of the 21st Century Mix
What we did: Modeling, Shading, Texturing, Rendering, Animation - Based on video-reference
DJ Sultan ft. Elephant Man - Hips Sing (Music Video)
What we did: Editing, Color Correction, Post Production FX, Song Cover Art
DJ Sultan Ft. Elephant Man - Hips Sing (Lyrics Animation)
What we did: 60fps Custom Lyrics Animation, Music-matched Motion
Mark D - Soccer Goalie Training Promo
What we did: Camera, Editing, Color Correction, Post Production FX

VSGFX, Inc. – Helping YOU Make A Statement
We’re proud to bring personality and transparency into graphic design. As a video production company, we provide one-on-one personal service and always communicate with the same designer directly, no middle-man or “art department”. When a project involves multiple artists and teams, a Lead Austin Graphic Design professional communicates with your firm.
Design Assets for Company Branding, Corporate Events, Startups, Television Shows, Digital Commercials, Advertisement. Both for press and digital.

Why Austin, Texas? Our History
We love doing Videography Services in Austin TX. Austin is a truly unique city. Lively vibe, music scene and tech industry! It really is a perfect fit for us. Why? Because of our past.
Lead Designer and President of VSGFX, Inc. Robert V Gulyas founded EDM Nightlife in Las Vegas, NV. A small, inspired group of graphic artists, film majors and music fanatics grew into a journalistic entity and production house over four years. Our clients included a wide variety of venues and artists, including Artisan Hotel & Casino, The End Bar & Grill (As seen on TV) and Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. We learned a lot in Las Vegas and wanted to divert from nightlife and expand to other markets. That’s where offering videography services in Austin TX makes most sense. A bit of everything. We love it here.